Enhancing work-life journeys
Establish a modern corporate wellness program with Healthspace Cloud®
HCIactive works with insurance policy, benefit, employee, and health system administrators to align incentives, build & enhance custom, participant-centered Health Care Partnerships benefiting members, program administrators, and providers. Features include:
Health Risk Questionnaire (HRQ)
Process eligibility, medical, pharmacy, screenings, HRQ, and other data monthly with advanced analytics to achieve more accurate forecasts of risk.
Lab & Biometric Screening
Customize diagnostic screenings with a complete array of options conducted on-site, from a local lab, or submitted by a primary care physician.
Health Risk
Engage participants in a conversation about their health risks with a detailed report conveniently stored in their secure, personalized documents library.
Configure a custom HRQ without costly programming to better assess participants needs more quickly and cost efficiently.
Know Your
Educate participants how to track and translate their key health markers to prevent disease and lead a heart-healthy lifestyle.
Treatment Information & Guidance
Make participants a true partner in their care process with a clinically proven treatment guidance solution to improve outcomes and lower costs.
150+ Wearable Devices & Fitness Apps
Enable participants to share their tracked activities from their choice of over 150+ commonly available consumer wearables and applications.
Chronic Condition Management
Connect participants to physicians, RN health coaches and data to better manage their chronic conditions for overall greater compliance and better outcomes.
Expert Medical
Grant participants the option to consult a physician who has trained at a U.S. News & World Report Top 50 ranked medical school on a wide range of conditions and treatment options.