All health plans and Payers, whether it be traditional health insurance carriers, third party administrators, Medicare or Medicaid plans, will begin to transform their business models so that they match the consumer experience found with Amazon, Apple and Google. The core focus will be to increase their efficiency and deliver far better value for members. A key element is to make the member experience hyper-personal. All health plans must improve engagement and influence members with a high touch experience. Instantaneous access to data and data interoperability will have an impact not only on the member experience but it will also improve wellness and care coordination.
HCI provides the most innovative and comprehensive platform that a health plan can utilize to transform itself into the digital age and dramatically elevate the member experience. Members are conditioned through experiences with Amazon, Apple and Google and will expect a similar experience for their health care. The HCI solution is a member engagement platform that provides members with a digital experience that they have grown accustomed through using the products and services of Amazon, Apple and Google.
The disruptors in the health plan/Payer market will be data driven and member focused. The core of the process is enrollment and eligibility and this is what drives the overall experience for the member. The HCI platform enables accuracy and timeliness, which is critical for these key functions. The enrollment process can be completed on the web tool or mobile app. Costs are significantly reduced as there is no need for the traditional paper process. As such, the member experience is enhanced dramatically and implementation and launch is streamlined, efficient and based on accurate data. Members are provided complete continuity in the web and mobile app experience, which is unique to the HCI solution. By mirroring the web and mobile functions it allows for a user experience that is unmatched in the industry.
You won’t see the word “portal” on our website. The word is like “rolodex” or “DayTimer” – products that are part of history now due to technology. We offer a digital member engagement platform which provides a member experience well beyond a portal. This key component will drive the future success of any health plan/Payer and they will be viewed as innovative market leaders.
Contact Christopher Broecker